IMPORTANT NOTICE to all 2014 Work and Travel applicants: be sure you've created your OFFICIAL GMAIL ACCOUNT!
1. Visit and create an account using the following example format. For a student named Juan Paolo de la Cruz, his Gmail account should be so it can be easily remembered!
2. EMAIL US at using your new official Gmail account, EMAIL AND TEXT your programs counselor to let them know, CALL your programs counselor to let them know, and CALL US at (02) 9279731 to let our admin staff know!
3. Use your official 2014 WAT Gmail account from now on for ALL official inquiries and communications, because that's where we'll be sending info about your ongoing US Work and Travel applications, such as position lists and interview dates!
Orientation Schedules:
Canada Study and Work Program orientations take place at 2:45 PM, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at our free online Zoom call sessions. Sign up at the following link:
Canada Study and Work Applications are now OPEN!
Applications for the Canada Study and Work Program now OPEN. Students are encouraged to attend the program orientations held online for free!
You may also attend our orientation programs held at our offices in UP Diliman and in Cebu. For more details, sign up at the following link: